Thursday, 10 May 2012

Getting there

Less then one day before hand in and it starts to feel like it is al comming togheter. Today we hung almost everything in the spaces where it is going to be. though I have to say that alot of my work isn't certain yet and it could be that some of the pieces that are placed now will be removed tomorrow (the spaces are still not entirely emptied yet so it is a bit difficult to see whether a space is too crowded with work or not). The big difference is also that I am still waiting for my prints to be framed, luckily I make everything in edetion so I have the exact same prints up now, but due to issues with the size of my work the frames are not going to be done in another week or so.

Another thing is that I am not sure if I should attacht the glass domes onto my modell cars yet or that I should wait with this untill the degree show aswell.

Something else to mention is my personal invites for the show. As I felt that it was important for me to have some invites to send out to the Netherlands and other friends (they will also be used with the billboard project that will start soon in the Netherlands). I have 7 different ones which are printed in the same way as my big screen prints and on the same kind of paper.

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