Saturday, 5 May 2012


As I am working on finishing up my A0 screenprints with airbrush (and comming up with titles), I am also working on getting them framed. Unfortunately becausse of their size this is not an easy task. After doing lots of research I decided to go with a smaller framing place which is run out of an artist studio space. I think this (besides being cheaper) a good thing to do as it's fun to deal with someone who doesn't see the framing just as a job.

Unfortunately this will mean that the framing won't be done before the portfolio (besides having to work on framing for someone's show in London she also has to wait untill matterials get in as again the size of the needed frames is larger than normal). The good thing is that it will be done for the degree show and the fact that I make stuff in series means that I will be able to show the prints for portfolio either way.

Here are some new pics of my latest prints with airbrushed colour (you might have seen one before as I tested it out on a printed version to see if it was worth making a screen print out of it).

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