Monday, 12 March 2012

Long day

As I posted last night today was going to start early. I wanted to get in in time to book some time on the screen printing beds in the screen printing studio. Luckily that worked out and I was the first person to come in and book some time. After that I re-exposed the images that I tried to print last week. Unfortunately it became clear very soon that again it went wrong. This time after alot of checking and thinking the technician (who helped me to expose them and to make sure nothing went wrong), came to the conclusion that the vacuüm of the exposing table might not do it's work properly because the screen is so big (to expose a screen you have to use a copy of your image printed on a transparent piece of "film" this is then layed under the coated screen which is put on top of a glass table with uv lights underneath. the lights make the coating dry and becausse of the black ink of the image that blocks out the rest of the screen that part doesn't dry and thus can be washed off), the vacuüm doesnt press the whole screen on the table and light will not be perfectly blocked out by the printed image. Tomorrow we will give it another go with this knowledge and see if it will work.

I thought I was having a group crit today but when talking to Gregor about it I found out that it was a sign up one and since I didn't signed up (and being very busy) I was happy with the extra time (there is still lots of work to do before I leave this weekend).

I have also started working on a model for an upcomming group exhibition we will have during our degree show time in the Talbot Rice gallery. The idea is that we all install our own show in the modell and take a picture of it, this picture will then be shown in the space the modell is made from. Since I am quite good with modell making this is another task I have taken /been given upon me (as if being in the PR/Sponsorship group and making the degree show website wasn't enough yet). I do have to mention that I am beeing helped greatly by Lindsay and Despina who for starters have measured and mapped every single inch of the space.

So just to show you some of the stuff I have been talking about/working on, here are some crappy pictures:

The Screenprinting signup board

The Talbot Rice Gallery modell in making

One of last weeks screen prints that has worked out

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