For our first Visual Cultures assesement I had to read Susan Sontag's Notes on "Camp", and then do a short presentation on it togheter with 2 other classmates. I have to say that I was quite nervous about all of this especially since I had never heard of camp before and the text itself isn't really explaining anything (it's kind of explaining what camp is by not explaining it if you understand what I mean). The fact that there where all sorts of different opinions in my class on what camp really is didn't help either. Because of this I decided to base my piece on the presentation on how Susan Sontag is writing instead of talking to much about what camp actually is (or isn't). I think my strategy worked out well and the fact that I keep using as much humour as possible seems to work out fine aswell (be honest who enjoy's listening to someone reading out a factsheet).
I havn't had too much chance to work on much studio stuff this week, but I did had some good meetings in the Glass department (it seems that casting will become more easy for me this year). In the sculpture workshops there are still alot of introductions going on so I hope I will be alble to start some moldmaking over there next week, and put some nice pictures up again (I think my blog is looking a bit boring with just text).
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