Thursday, 27 October 2011

Meeting our Responsibilities

Yesterday I went to a lecture by Louis B. Susman, the Ambassador of the United states to the Court of St. James's. The title was "Meeting our Responsibilities as Global Citizens" and was mainly set out to be about the role of youth, their power and potential to affect positive change in the face of today's challenges.
It was very impressive and interesting, and also very inspiring since he talked about some of the subjects I am also trying to get to with my work. At the end there was some time to ask questions but unfortunately those went more into the direction of the US politics and such instead of the subject of the lecture, I thought that was quite a shame since I would have loved to ask some questions but wasn't able to get through.
I understand that it is nice to ask an US Ambassador all sorts of stuff but it just would have been nicer if the questions where a bit more about the matterial in the lecture.

Well better luck next time...

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