It has become very difficult for me to think of things to share with you now I have finished my course. First of all I just have been enjoying the peace and quiet for a bit, but now there have been quite a few changes in my life that might be worth sharing. I finaly recieved my Degree from the University (I didn't attend the ceremony so no nice picture of me in a funny suit sorry about that), the good news is that I graduated with an Distinction (something I honestly didn't expect to recieve with the program focussing so much on the theorectical part of the course).
I am also applying for severall different things, most importantly now the Glass department's artist in Residency's position. (I don't like talking about this to be honest because I think there is only a very very small chance that I might actually be able to get this posistion since my glass experience isn't the best). I am however invited for an interview so if you could all keep your fingers crossed next monday (the 9th) afternoon that would be great.
I am also starting a new kind of facebook page (it's an artist page since I am such a proffesional now ;) ). If you have facebook feel free to like my page at:
I guess that's it with the news for now I will let you know what is going on as soon as I know it.
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