Monday, 14 November 2011


I finished my first billboard picture today. It took a lot of calculating and measuring since I can't just print it out on one sheet. Since it would take for ages doing this by screenprinting (nevermind the costs), I decided to see if it was possible to print black and white on brown paper (see earlier post). As it worked out quite well I started to set up a big picture. I also had to cut the paper down to A0 size (it doesn't come in a standard size how easy is that), but it all worked out fine in the end. It's made up out of 8 overlaying A0 poster prints and is 320 cm wide and 215 cm high. Quite a difference compared to my earlier screenprints. Some of you might recognize the scene as it is a picture I took at my friends garage in the Netherlands. It's also the same kind of car that I used for my earlier sculpture project during my undergrad.

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