Earlier this week we already had our first demo done by Chris Boha thanks to Karen who I think organised it (she is one of the other artist in residence's). Chris showed us a combination of hot glass sculpting with blown glass. He made a glass bone which he then put into a blown buble which will be completely closed up after that (it does sound easier than it is). If you would like to see some of his work just visit: http://www.chrisboha.com/
Jessamy (the new temporarily head of the department) asked me to give a small talk about my work for the 3rd years next tuesday so I am getting all excited about my this right now. There are not too many of them so I will even be able to have a private look at their work afterwards and talk to them about it.
little writing here so lets make up for it with something else....... Pictures!
And here are the Pictures of Chris Boha is doing his Demo.