Friday, 28 September 2012

Hotshop Hotshop Hotshop

A fe weeks have past and I finaly found the time (and energy), to give you an update on the glass department here at ECA. The students have arrived and we started to give the new second years their introduction into glass blowing. It has been all very exciting and not to forget exhausting, but amazing as well. I really feel at my place and cannot wait to do more when I get home at night.
Earlier this week we already had our first demo done by Chris Boha thanks to Karen who I think organised it (she is one of the other artist in residence's). Chris showed us a combination of hot glass sculpting with blown glass. He made a glass bone which he then put into a blown buble which will be completely closed up after that (it does sound easier than it is). If you would like to see some of his work just visit:

Jessamy (the new temporarily head of the department) asked me to give a small talk about my work for the 3rd years next tuesday so I am getting all excited about my this right now. There are not too many of them so I will even be able to have a private look at their work afterwards and talk to them about it.

little writing here so lets make up for it with something else....... Pictures!

Karen is showing the students some of their first exercises.

Robin (2nd year student), is working on his very first bubble.

And here are the Pictures of Chris Boha is doing his Demo.


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Hotshop Cleanup

Yesterday we did a thoroughly clean of the hotshop (that's the name for the room where glass is blown), together with 2 other artist in residences and the glass technician. It is amazing to see how little bits of glass find their way into every little corner out there, and it feels great to see the difference when you are done cleaning. Even though we only have 1 working furnace at the moment I feel like we are getting ready for the students to show up next week.

I also received a nice surprise by e-mail, I am currently in another exhibition that is taking place in the Netherlands. This time together with Natalie Hoogmoed who organised this exposition in honour of the 50th anniversary of MGB. The exposition will be part of an open atelier route in Den Haag and Delft. On the 15th of this month there will be a downloadable map made available on
There will also be an official opening on the 22nd of this month and if you are interested in going there please feel free to contact me.

Sunday, 9 September 2012


Besides having some small exhibitions and starting my new artist in residence I also wanted to share my new range of postcards. Some of you might now about this already but now I have made a way to order them for everyone (ok it's not really like I made a webshop or something but I thought that was a bit too much for just some postcards). If you are interested please have a look on the new page of my website ( I hope you like it!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Black Cube Collective

It has been a very busy day at the glass department getting ready for the new semester. Instead of finishing the kiln we started to go through all the workshops sorting everything out getting rid of what wasn't needed (everyone who ever studied at an art academy knows that students always leave lots of stuff behind when  they are finished with their course).

I also got an e-mail from the Black Cube Collective which will be showing some of my work at one of their shows. You can find more details and the full invite from my website: Sander Schoonbeek
As well as the details and opening times to the Third Man lunchcafe which have finaly been added.