Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy new year
I however have a good reason to make a new post (besides wishing you all the best for the new year), because I have renewed my official website. Thats right go and take a look on, and make sure you check out my all new Webstore. There's not to much in the store at the moment but I am working on getting more stuff out there (got to try right?).
I wanted to leave you all with again the best wishes for the comming year and I hope to see you soon. For now please enjoy some of the fireworks I saw earlier tonight at the Edinburgh Castle.
Friday, 16 December 2011
I just finished my end of semester portfolio setup an astonishing hour before the deadline. I feel pretty good aout it at this moment let's hope it will be reviewed in a positive way.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Print stand
Since I finaly finished me essay and I'm pretty much done with the studio work, I decided to make a stand to show some of the screenprints I have made. I would put them on the wall but since my billboard is taking up pretty much all of my wall space I thought this was a good idea. I only hope that my tutors will understand it's a display stand and not a sculpture :p. I'm also wondering if I should include my prints from last year. I didn't make them this semester but I feel that they help in showing the progress I've made. Choices choices. Well anyway picture time:
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Panoramic Billboard
The end of the semester is getting close an I'm starting to rap things up. I do need to do some layout work on my essay but other than that it's pretty much done.
Since I got into college pretty early this morning I was in time to get my second take on the billboard printed.
After that we had a little meeting about the second (and last) semester and some info about how the degree show might go (exciting).
So here is the first sneak peak into my new billboard:
Monday, 12 December 2011
Last week
When I walked back to my studio I bumped into the head of the glass department and she told me there was a talk going on in the afternoon by a glass artist, and I was welcome to come along. So since I couldn't work on my billboard and some of my glass work was drying I decided it would be good to go.
It was a very interesting talk by Minako Shirakura (, and besides showing her work she talked about residencies and studying abroad. I thought it was very interesting and enjoyed it very much.
She gave me her card and when I go to Japan in March I might meet up with her if she happens to be there aswell.
So let's hope tomorrow will be better and more productive.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Coloured Billboard
Friday, 9 December 2011
I havn't made a post with my phone since the original test so I thought I'd give it another try.
Besides having seminars and a crit today I managed to get a little work done. Ok not realy something new ?ore of a tryout on something I already had. I wanted to reprint the billbboard in a wider more panoramic way to fill the space in my studio better, but since the printshop and all the workshops closed early today (probably cause of the amzingly bad wheater...... not) I couldn't do so. So instead of printing a new billboard I decided to follow Kenny's advice and put some colour (not too much) on my old one. I'm not to sure about the result so any coments are more than welcome (I have to present my finished portfolio next week and am not sure if I should show the new billboard with or without colour).
So here it goes, thanks for reading.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Christmass Fair
Anywhay it was a fun day so let's leave it with some nice pictures of our table at the fair.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Triads take 2
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Jason Waterhouse
Friday, 2 December 2011
Friday again
Sorry no pics this time.